10 months ago
❄️ 💀❄️💀 Without further ado...we officially introduce you to Ice Queen™ Shavery coming to ALABAMA BEACHES near you! Our shavery produces shaved ice hand crafted to make the softest powdered ice. Ice Queen has created many favorite flavors made from 100% pure cane organic sugar. Add one of our organic cremes and as only an Ice Queen could ...top it with some fun, pomp, and sparkle with our official snow glitter! ❄️ 💀❄️💀 #snowglitter #shavedice #icequeen #OrangeBeach # ...
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- Comments: 3
oooh love this! yummy and love a sparkle!
That’s Awesome! Can’t wait to see the chandelier ❤️❤️
Ice Queen Shavery updated their profile picture.
5 years ago
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